Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, New Location

Mysterio Gallery has moved to The Brownstone East in Grignano. Contraction seems to be the mood of the times, and I am going with the flow.


Anonymous said...

Blimey! What has happened to the old place?

Enjah Mysterio said...

Demolition crews carefully set high explosives and it very gracefully imploded with minimal impact on the surrounding buildings and land.

Anonymous said...

I must say... your gallery has gone down much more quickly than the old Noyo Mall building. I still can't get that to implode properly! What IS your secret?

Anonymous said...

Connections in the military... *taps nose and wanders of humming..."

Enjah Mysterio said...

I have just one word for you, dear sirs ... *whispers* ... "plastique"

Anonymous said...

I was using C-4 to no effect. I guess I'll have to see if I can track down some Libyans in a VW Van and see if they have some spare plutonium...