Saturday, January 12, 2008

Enjah's Waking Second Life

Here I am simplified in Illustrator. Now all I have to do is make a gazillion stills from a movie and do this to every single frame ... do you think I have the patience and persistence?


Ida said...

Well. Um. Sure! Sure you have that kind of patience!

Enjah Mysterio said...

heh ... no of course that is not my forte ... but I can do pix like this from time to time, can't I? Enjah whimpers and licks her hands.

Young Geoffrion said...

You are much too multidimensional to suffer such a violent flattening. Oh, yes, violet flattening, much better, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Violet flatulence? Hope I don't get sat next to her on the bus...

Osprey said...

This strong face reminds me of something and I just can't remember what - very powerful. It would be cool to see her animated. /me votes for Enjah to do a bazilion images.

Osprey said...

Oh, wait - a gazillion? Maybe that's expecting a bit much.